
The former Ortnerhof was to be revitalized and renewed. From this initially manageable order, a demanding project developed in all areas. Originally we assumed an old but good building structure. Due to the many conversions and additions in the past, it was forgotten which areas were of good construction quality. During the conversion, it quickly became apparent that the old farmhouse had been poorly changed in many respects.
Bad Hofgastein
Gasteins Lieblingsplatzl BetriebsgmbH

The floor slabs were completely renewed because of their insufficient load-bearing capacity and old constructive struts were integrated into the new floor plans. This subsequently led to unusual but unique solutions, which now create a special flair. The separate house in the garden could no longer be saved due to its condition and was completely rebuilt.

Apartments were created, which are unique in terms of equipment and spatial layout. The suites, for example, are equipped with free-standing bathtubs and saunas. In order to offer guests as much comfort as possible, the offer has been expanded to include a swimming pond and a wellness oasis.
If desired, the hosts will pamper their guests in the small breakfast area or on the terrace, from which you can see the Gastein mountains over the swimming pond. S'Lieblingsplatz'l is a small hide-away for the guest who is looking for something special and feels comfortable in the family atmosphere.